dentistry | Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Sun, 26 Nov 2017 01:42:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 More Than Brushing: Holiday Mouth Care Sun, 26 Nov 2017 01:42:01 +0000 The holidays are here! Here are some tips to go above and beyond just brushing and flossing.     De-Stress: The holidays can be stressful. Make sure you are taking time to unwind, to release tension in your body. Body tension often manifests itself in clenching or grinding teeth, which can make them dull and [...]

The post More Than Brushing: Holiday Mouth Care first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

The holidays are here! Here are some tips to go above and beyond just brushing and flossing.  


De-Stress: The holidays can be stressful. Make sure you are taking time to unwind, to release tension in your body. Body tension often manifests itself in clenching or grinding teeth, which can make them dull and flat, and damage tooth enamel. De-stressing can be as simple as taking a short walk, doing some yoga or other stretches, or meditating for 15-30 minutes.


Mouthwash: Consider adding a therapeutic mouthwash to your oral hygiene routine this holiday season. Therapeutic mouthwashes are those that kill bacteria rather than simply freshening breath. Though not a required part of an oral hygiene routine, many types of mouthwash can be very helpful.


Beverages:  Along with the holidays come many acidic beverages-soft drinks, fruit juice, wassail, punch, and wine, champagne, and other alcoholic drinks. Be aware that coating your teeth with acid is bad for them. Accompany all acidic beverages with a large glass of water. Also be aware that alcohol actually contributes to dehydration, so drinking water along with it is a good idea for your overall wellness.


Visit Your Dentist: Visiting your dentist early can help avoid emergency dental visits in the middle of your holiday. To schedule an appointment in Cincinnati, Ohio, call Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry at 513-771-5212. Dr. Alexis Mai and our team are happy to help!


The post More Than Brushing: Holiday Mouth Care first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

Flossing and Chewing Gum: Unexpected Allies Sat, 30 Sep 2017 06:24:56 +0000 While brushing is a huge part of your oral hygiene routine, there are a couple of other closely related practices that you can use for a great smile: flossing, and chewing sugar-free gum.   Flossing should be done once a day. Use a single-filament thread, when possible, to avoid fraying and shredding of the floss. [...]

The post Flossing and Chewing Gum: Unexpected Allies first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

While brushing is a huge part of your oral hygiene routine, there are a couple of other closely related practices that you can use for a great smile: flossing, and chewing sugar-free gum.


Flossing should be done once a day. Use a single-filament thread, when possible, to avoid fraying and shredding of the floss. It is best if you use an 18” piece of floss, as this allows you to use a new section of thread for each tooth. This avoids cross-contamination within the mouth. Floss all the way around each tooth–including behind the back molars! If flossing is difficult for you, talk with Dr. Alexis Mai about flossing alternatives. Such interdental cleaning alternatives could include water flossers, pre-strung flossers, or floss for sensitive gums.


After eating your teeth are more sensitive to abrasion. This is especially true after eating or drinking acidic foods. It is best to wait a while before brushing, as both toothpaste and the act of brushing itself are abrasive to teeth. However, it is also best to clear the food particles and debris away from the teeth as soon as possible. To accommodate both requirements, try chewing a piece of sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after eating. The gum stimulates saliva flow, which in turn cleans your mouth. Saliva is your body’s first defense against cavities. This is a great way to clean your mouth, especially after eating.


For more information, feel free to call Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Cincinnati, Ohio at 513-771-5212. Our team is here to help you, and we look forward to talking with you!  


The post Flossing and Chewing Gum: Unexpected Allies first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.
