cavity | Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Thu, 24 May 2018 15:29:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Could That Be a Cavity? Thu, 24 May 2018 15:29:32 +0000 Cavities can be a fairly regular health problem. Perhaps the only health issue that may be more rampant is the common cold. With it being so prevalent, you might be wondering if you can recognize the warning signs of a cavity. First, we should briefly cover how they can form. Your mouth is naturally full [...]

The post Could That Be a Cavity? first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

Cavities can be a fairly regular health problem. Perhaps the only health issue that may be more rampant is the common cold. With it being so prevalent, you might be wondering if you can recognize the warning signs of a cavity.

First, we should briefly cover how they can form. Your mouth is naturally full of bacteria, good and bad. But when you eat starchy or sugary foods, the bacteria feasts on it and may produce an acid, which can erode your enamel if it isn’t cleaned away. If the enamel becomes eroded, that hole is referred to as dental decay, or a cavity. In its very first stages, it may be possible to reverse the damaging effects of the erosion by using a toothpaste with fluoride, which can help to restore the enamel.

You might not notice any “signs” of a cavity forming in its earliest stages. That could be because your enamel doesn’t have nerve endings, so until the decay has reached the more sensitive dentin layer, you might not feel anything. You might begin to notice some discomfort when you eat foods that are sweet, cold or hot. You could also experience it when you bite down. If it is a large cavity, you might be able to see it. Sometimes they can create visible holes or black, white or brown stains on a tooth’s surface.

Sweet foods may be more likely to cause discomfort because they can be sticky and might cling to the tooth longer. The acids made from the bacteria might be able to get into the cavity and aggravate the nerves, causing an unpleasant sensation.

If you believe that you have a cavity in Cincinnati, Ohio, you should call Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry at 513-771-5212 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Alexis Mai may be able to restore your tooth’s health with a dental filling.

The post Could That Be a Cavity? first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

Holiday Dentistry: Composite Dental Fillings Fri, 22 Dec 2017 18:58:48 +0000 If dental erosion has occurred to the point that a hole has formed in your tooth enamel, it is known as a cavity. Cavities are extremely dangerous and need to be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, bacteria can seep into a tooth and lead to severe infections and eventual tooth loss. In order to [...]

The post Holiday Dentistry: Composite Dental Fillings first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

If dental erosion has occurred to the point that a hole has formed in your tooth enamel, it is known as a cavity. Cavities are extremely dangerous and need to be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, bacteria can seep into a tooth and lead to severe infections and eventual tooth loss. In order to prevent cavities from plugging around mouth any longer, dental fillings can be used. One highly effective form of dental filling to consider is a composite dental filling. If you are in need of a dental filling, consider composites.

Composite dental fillings are extremely effective for minimizing tooth decay and filling in any cavities that have begun. Through the use of a composite dental filling, you can apply a material to mimic the color of your natural teeth. In addition, composite fillings can even be used on extremely small cavities.

One of the greatest benefits of composite fillings can be repaired and replaced many times over without ever removing the original filling? A single composite filling can last between 7 to 10 years of regular use. In addition, composite fillings can help prevent tooth fracture and are mercury-free. They’re also extremely effective for sealing the margins of teeth so that leaks do not occur.

Don’t wait for a dental filling treatment. If you would like to know if you require a composite filling, please schedule an oral exam with Dr. Alexis Mai and our team at Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry at our dentist office in Cincinnati, Ohio, by calling us at 513-771-5212.

The post Holiday Dentistry: Composite Dental Fillings first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

The Symptoms and Treatment of an Abscessed Tooth Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:29:33 +0000 What is a dental abscess? It’s essentially a collection of pus that accumulates at the root of the tooth or between the tooth and the gums. A dental abscess is most commonly caused by tooth decay, but can also happen as a result of dental trauma or gum disease. Abscesses can be rather dangerous to [...]

The post The Symptoms and Treatment of an Abscessed Tooth first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.

What is a dental abscess? It’s essentially a collection of pus that accumulates at the root of the tooth or between the tooth and the gums. A dental abscess is most commonly caused by tooth decay, but can also happen as a result of dental trauma or gum disease. Abscesses can be rather dangerous to your tooth as they lead to infection of the tooth’s pulp.

Fortunately, our team can save often save the damaged tooth with root canal therapy, wherein we will remove the infected pulp from your tooth. The abscess can also be drained, preventing further infection. If you’re worried that you have an abscess, please contact Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry as soon as possible at 513-771-5212.

If you think you have an abscessed tooth but just aren’t sure, here are some symptoms to look out for:

  • Fever
  • Pain when biting down
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • A bitter taste in the mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Swollen neck glands
  • Swollen or reddened gums
  • An open, draining sore on the side of the gums

If you’d like to learn more about dealing with an abscess in Cincinnati, Ohio, please give Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry a call at 513-771-5212. Our dentist, Dr. Alexis Mai, and our team would love to meet with you and help you feel better.

The post The Symptoms and Treatment of an Abscessed Tooth first appeared on Elite Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.
